

When I saw this poster I thought to myself, “Wow, this really says it all”. So how do we leave the life we don’t want? I believe the first step is creating a vision. What is the life you want? What type of work do you want to do? What do you want to look like? How do you want to feel? Where do you want to live? and so forth. Once you have a vision you have something to reach for.

Next I believe you have to view the life you want as a life that you are worthy of, that you deserve. You have to give yourself permission to live a better life, to walk in your vision.

Then  you have to put one foot in front of the other and start taking small steps towards reaching your new vision for your life. Step out of your comfort zone, allow yourself to grow. If you fear something confront it! Remove the words “I CAN’T” from  your vocabulary. You are capable of more than you know.

Remove the negative nellies from your vocabulary!Think positive. When we constantly look in the mirror and tell ourselves we can’t then, well sadly we can’t. When we look in the mirror and say we are ugly, fat, or can never be loved, well that becomes what we portray to the world and then guess what it becomes true to us. What we speak into our lives in some ways makes us who we are because the more we say it the more we believe it and the more we believe it the more we live it. We have to speak life into our lives, not death.

Remove the energy sucking vampires from your life. There are many people out there disguised as friends but who are really there only to make sure you stay in the pity party with them. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result (I forget who said this). This means to make a change you must change your actions, your thought process, the people you are hanging around, your environment ect. Whatever it is that is keeping you in the slump you are in. Whatever is stealing your vision from you, it’s time to cut loose.

If we focus on taking one step in front of the other, I like to say baby steps we will one day very soon realize we are walking in our vision for our life. We will see that what we thought was impossible really was never impossible we were simply standing in our own way to fulfilling the life we should have always been living.

So my challenge to you today is to get out of your own way and start living the life you know you have always wanted. If you feel like you don’t have a dream or a vision I promise you do. Think about what your passion is, what you enjoy doing, what makes you happy, who makes you happy. When you focus on the positive your vision will begin to emerge and you will realize it wasn’t that you didn’t have a dream it was that all the negativity all the garbage in your life had buried it.

Don’t waste another day thinking it’s impossible, realize that you have the power to change your life. Make the impossible possible, live your dream, reach for your vision, and find your happiness.

xoxo TJ

I Need You To Survive by Hezekiah Walker

It takes a village….We need each other to survive! I need you, I can’t do it all alone we have to fight the fight together. When you fall I’ll pick you up, when I fall will you pick me up? It is his will that every need be supplied, he gave us all we need to make it happen we just have to lean on each other, to build each other up, to pray for each other, to love each other…..We aren’t alone, if we choose to stand strong together. xoxoxo TJ

I need you, you need me.
We’re all a part of God’s body.
Stand with me, agree with me.
We’re all a part of God’s body.

It is his will, that every need be supplied.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.
(repeat 3X)

I pray for you, You pray for me.
I love you, I need you to survive.
I won’t harm you with words from my mouth.
I love you, I need you to survive.
(repeat 8 X)

It is his will, that every need be supplied.
You are important to me, I need you to survive.

Waking Up With a Purpose!

I am going to be down right honest with you, know holding back, no sugar-coating, just the plain simple truth! I am popped, my steam boat has lost all its steam but I am as happy as a puppy with a new toy to play with. I’m not sure right now how my bills are going to get paid, how my cars going to get fixed, or where grocery money is coming from, but what I know for a fact is that God is at work in my life in a powerful way and it is exhilarating and exhausting all at the same time.

A few years ago I had no clue what direction my life would be going. I had no confidence, and really no dreams but now WOW!!! I can’t get my mind to shut down long enough to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time and then I’m awake with a new idea or thought. I tell you it’s tiring to think this much lol but I am so happy.

I have an entirely new perspective on life! I was talking to my husband today and surprised myself when I said to him, “honey we need to learn to live on less.” I was completely serious. I want to live on less, I want to be able to give more. It is beyond a shadow of a doubt the most fulfilling thing I have ever done in my life.

We were watching the Secret Millionaire last night on the DVR and I was crying like a baby because of the heart of an 8-year-old boy who took it upon himself at the age of 6 to start helping the homeless. This young man blessed my heart incredibly, he gave of himself so selflessly. His play time was sorting through donations to take to a preschool that taught homeless children and making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless people in the park.

We could all learn a lesson from this young man, he boldly walked up to each homeless person introduced himself, shock their hand and handed them a sandwich. This boy has the heart of God!!! He truly blessed me. If at 6 years old he can conceive this idea (I believe the name was Mirror of Love) and at 8 be living in his purpose then at 37 years old shame on me if I’m not!!!

I am giddy to say that the millionaire gave the young man $15,000 for his non-profit and at the age of 8 he is filing paperwork to make his non-profit legit. It just goes to show when we give from our heart with the expectation of nothing in return God will bless us richly.

With a heart of love and compassion an 8-year-old boy taught me that happiness does not come from the material things, the places we can go, the parties we can throw, the big houses, the nice cars, happiness comes from within, it’s a choice to love, and to give of yourself completely. There is no attachments, no only if’s, it’s a choice we make every day to get up and put someone else before ourselves.

I can’t wait until the day our non-profit is up and running full-fledged and we can work with these young men and women but until then I will continue to do what I can for who I can and enjoy every minute of it. I finally have a dream that is all my own, a dream that God birthed within me and I can lay down each night with that dream and know that when I wake I have a purpose, a God-given purpose and with that purpose I will move through each day with the expectation that God will provide.

Here we go again….

Yupe that’s right, here we go again….I’m off and running and ready to kick some booty to get this non-profit off the ground and running so we can be a blessing to these young boys and girls. It’s going to be another long weekend (thur, fri, and sat) of rummage sales trying to raise money. We added a little extra fun though on Friday and I’m looking forward to it. My 9 yr old is going to run her Lemonade Stand and we will have pony rides. I’m so excited.

Things are off to a great start we already have two of our board members, we have raised half of what we need for our 501c3 and we have a 10×20 storage unit over flowing with donations for this weekend. Life is amazing!

My husband and I are so excited to get this started and really start making a difference in these kids lives. I’ll let you know how the weekend goes 🙂 Have a happy 4th of July and stay safe!


Women of God…

I saw this and thought of all my beautiful sisters in Christ! Don’t let the world entice you there is nothing better than being a strong beautiful intelligent woman of God!!! Let God’s light shine through in all you do and you can’t fail.

Wanting to Grow Closer…

I find myself wanting more and more to grow closer to God. To understand not just the scripture but what is not written. I have been in a serious time of transition the last couple months. The path I thought I was supposed to be on completely took another route and sadly it didn’t end well. But that is not why I am writing today. I am writing today because during this time where I have felt broken and hurt God has shown me bits and pieces of my life. He has brought the picture into focus for me and encouraged me that the path I am now on is in this season exactly where he wants me. He showed me that my life was out of focus because it wasn’t in balance. I was giving all of myself in one area and neglecting others.

In all of this, I have grown closer to God and my desire to know Him more comes from a place within myself I didn’t know existed. You see I’ve always had a relationship with God, but this desire is something deeper. I haven’t put my finger on a way to explain it just yet, but it feels like emptiness inside me that only He can fill. Have you ever been so thirsty that you just can’t stop drinking, you pick up one glass and guzzle it and then another and another until you fill so full you are about to burst? That is where I am in my walk with God. I want more and more until I am over flowing with Him.

I’m tired of simply trying to live His word, I want to eat breath and sleep His word. I want it to fill every pore, every muscle, and every piece of fiber. I want it to pour through me like liquid and to seep from my skin so that His glory shines through me.

Life has never been as good as it is right now and it is because my eyes are on God. I am not fearful of the days ahead of me because I know the path I walk today is the one he laid before me. I do not worry about what people think of me because He is all that matters. I am only filled with excitement for what He has in store for me and my family. I am thankful for everything that has been happening in my life the good and the bad, because it has all brought me to this point, brought me closer to God, closer to my kids and closer to my husband. It has all taught me to hold my family closer than any other because in the end they are the ones who will always be there. Most importantly it has taught me that the more I seek God in my life and remove the focus from me to Him, the clearer my path will become and the more whole I will become.


All I can say is WOW!!!!! What a day. I am more than just exhausted my steam boat has no steam left in it. However, it was welllllll worth it! Today was an amazing success and although my body is tuckered out and I will be in much pain in the morning I can not wait to go at it again. We are praying the weather holds up they are not calling for rain 😦 but such is the life of an Oregonian.  No matter what though tomorrow will be a productive day and it will bring us one step closer to realizing the start of our new life. 🙂 Life is good, and God is better. I’ll update some more later. Enjoy your weekend!!!

And we are off and Running!

Good Evening everyone…I pray this quick post finds everyone doing well 🙂 I miss writing and interacting with all of you but life has been so busy I’m just not getting time to do it. We are as I mentioned before in the process of opening a non-profit. This Thur, Fri, and Sat we are holding a major Rummage Sale to help raise the funds for the start-up costs. I am crazy excited about all the support we have been receiving and that is continuing to pour in. Every day God reveals to me more and more that I am on the right path and finally working within His will and it feels amazing.

So just a real quick run down of what is happening. My husband and I are starting a Non-profit thrift store that’s proceeds will be used to help support the nearly 21,000 homeless and disadvantaged youth in the state of Oregon. We do not have a brick and mortar building at this time so we will be holding rummage sales in our church parking lot until we are able to move into a building. We are praying that we won’t be waiting long for that building. Please keep us in your prayers our goal is to raise $25,000 within the next 3 or 4 months. This will help with start-up costs, filing for our 501c3, as well as providing assistance to the youth in the Beaverton school district at the start of the school year.

Just a few statistics for you….

Approx. 1 our of every 10 students in the Beaverton School District alone lives below the federal poverty line (, 2010)

Approx. 1800 of these students are considered homeless (BSD, 2011)


More than 37% of the district’s students receive free or reduced lunches (, 2010)

Those are just a few of the statistics I will post more as I tell you about what is happening here with our Non-profit. If anyone is interested in making a donation you can email me at All I am asking for though is prayers. God bless and thank you for all your love and support.