Tag Archive | cameras

When I Am Her!

A while ago I was asked about my HER. You know, the woman buried deep inside you, the one who hopes and dreams, but we never allow to get past the surface. The woman inside of us that yells at us to take a chance, to believe in ourselves. When I was asked about HER I didn’t really know she existed. OH BABY!!! but since that day my Her has been screaming to get out and be noticed. This video is one of the steps in becoming my HER. Anyone who knows me knows I avoid cameras and videos and I definitely don’t dance lol. And yet, there I am with the ladies, reminding the world that I am WOMAN! This would not have been me in that video a few months ago. I never gave credit to that woman inside of me that wanted more and believed she could not only have it, but deserved it. However, after doing the exHERcise in the book When I Am Her by Chivon Morris I was able to put a name to HER, a face, a life, and when it hit me that I was Her I was able to envision my life the way I always dreamed it but never accepted. It has been a life altering experience for me. If you want to know more about the book, or the author check it out at http://www.chivonmorris.com/

P.S. If you want to follow my journey to becoming my HER keep checking out my blog, it is all about me stepping outside my comfort zone and finding my worth. I do have a special page dedicated to just my HER stories though if you check out the tabs at the top of my page as well as a page dedicated to my quest for health and finding the thin girl inside of me. Check it out and as always I love to hear from you, so leave me a comment, tell me your journey whatever it may be. And above all else…remember YOU ARE WORTHY!